Our Programs

At Caroline Helping hand Outreach, we are committed to making a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals and communities through our diverse and compassionate programs. Our initiatives are designed to address critical needs, promote health and well-being, and empower those who are less privileged.

Health Check

At Caroline Helping Hand Outreach we believe that health is wealth, and that access to basic healthcare service is a fundamental right. Therefore, our team in collaboration with our frontline partners focus on providing basic and essential healthcare services to unreached communities. We visit unreached communities with our team and frontline partners to provide essential healthcare services such as eye exam, oral check up, vital check (blood pressure, breathing rate, temperature and pulse)

Medication Supplies

As a follow up to the health check program, we distribute free medication to individuals who received prescriptions:at our health check program because most of these individuals are unable to access the medication due to either unavailability of the prescribed medication within the community or a lack of finances to buy the medication

Consumables Distribution Initiatives

This initiative became necessary due to the impact of the pandemic (Covid - 19). The Covid - 19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges to communities worldwide. It was in response to the food crises brought about by the pandemic that we commenced this initiative and it had tremendous positive impact on many families within the communities where we operate

Life Planning Initiative

This initiative was designed to empower widows and young adults to develop their own career by equipping them with vocational skills and opportunities for financial independence.

Orphans Education Support Initiative

This initiative particularly targets students in colleges and other higher institutions who are orphans and are struggling financially or are unable to finance their education because of their situation. We take over the payment of all tuition and textbooks expenses. We also assist them with the cost of groceries and other consumables

Since 2020, Over 500 Families have been reached

Since 2020, Our organization has positively impacted the lives of over 500 families through various programs, offering essential support, resources, and opportunities to help them overcome challenges and build a better future.